A security guard tracking software is of great importance when security is involved. With great accuracy, it helps supervisors pinpoint their private security guards. Further helping managers maintain compliant worksite while ensuring guards can be held accountable for their actions on-site. There are various other benefits of using the Security Guard App that helps improve security operations that you can make the most out of. Let’s take a look at them and explore more.

Remote Management

One of the greatest values that a security guard tracking software offers is increased private security guard accountability. Using it, the supervisor can manage all their guards remotely as well as keep an eye on them, ensuring patrols are conducted regularly. If a patrol is missed or not completed, you would know in real-time. It allows you to follow up and make sure the client site remains secure all the time.

Guard Safety

Beyond accountability, security guard tracking software of the Security Guard App can be used to ensure patrols are conducted safely. A constant tracker encourages the private security guards to be safe & responsible, and when they are not, you’ll have the opportunity to remind them. While the GPS enabled panic button when pressed, it notifies the supervisor in real-time the location of the guard in trouble.

Guard Accountability

When private security guards are assigned to client sites, they are expected to carry out their duties diligently. The Security Guard App equipped with a powerful security guard tracking software ensures that by allowing you to identify guard’s positions at all times. Further, upon reaching checkpoints, guards need to scan them. The system automatically records the data and relays it accurately to the supervisor so no checkpoint is missed.

Security Service

An advanced security guard tracking software like that of the Security Guard App can be used to do more than just monitor your private security guards. Using it, you can easily demonstrate your value to clients by showing the speed with which an incident can be resolved. While the tracking history data can be used to backtrack the guard’s movement on the field to look for patterns and other detailed information. The data can also be analyzed to further improve the team’s response time and security services overall.

Security Guard App

Operational Efficiency

Like all modern GPS tracking systems, the Security Guard App’s security guard tracking software is heavily automated. Meaning which you do not need to monitor the system constant unless required. Instead, you can receive live notifications when something requires your attention. For instance, when private security guards are inactive for more than a certain period of time or a panic button is pressed. This technology, hence, improves operational efficiency and enhances guard accountability.

Customer Services

Increased efficiency to guided site tour, all contribute to improved customer service. But, when it comes to providing clients with information about site tours, do it effortlessly with the Security Guard App. Have more control over what you want to share, and yes that includes accurate live tracking data as well as tracking history for better analysis. 


Modern reporting software like that of the Security Guard App enables the private security guards to submit GPS tagged reports in real-time. Thus providing more control, oversight, and transparency across the entire security operation. In case of an incident, the very same data can be used to quickly alert your clients that require their attention, building transparency, and trust. 

Incident Response

A security guard tracking software can turn into a valuable asset during the incident reporting process. If the guard reporting the assistance requires immediate assistance, a glance at the dynamic map allows you to identify which guard is nearby and available to help. The security guard tracking software just like that allows you to quickly identify where an incident is taking place, so you can provide rapid response every time. 

Security Guard App provides a unique platform that enables you to do more than a GPS tracking system does- it allows guards to document everything as they patrol. While the supervisors can manage their security guards more effectively. If you haven’t tried Security Guard App, sign up today, it’s available on both App Store and Play Store.