Retain Your Top-Performing Security Guards With These Strategies [Infographic]

When clients hire a dedicated security guard company, they expect [...]

By |2022-11-07T08:01:46+00:00October 28, 2022|Security Guard Management|0 Comments

Game Changing Security Guard App Updates Coming Soon

We at Security Guard App are all set to release [...]

Security Guard App: Making Site-Specific Post Orders Quickly Available

Critical to running smooth security operations, post orders are [...]

By |2022-11-29T05:47:26+00:00August 24, 2022|Security Guard App Features|0 Comments

Security Guard Web App: Access Crucial Information On Your Desktop

Security guard app is a user-friendly solution designed for [...]

By |2022-09-26T07:33:46+00:00April 28, 2022|Security Guard App Features|0 Comments

The Secrets Of Delegating Security Guard Tasks Effectively – Part 2

As a security manager, delegation is important. Yet, most security [...]

By |2022-05-26T09:34:35+00:00February 25, 2022|Security Guard Management|0 Comments

The Secrets Of Delegating Security Guard Tasks Effectively – Part 1

Delegation is one of the most important management skills that [...]

By |2022-05-26T09:38:29+00:00January 21, 2022|Security Guard Management|0 Comments

8 Rational De-Escalation Techniques Security Guards Must Know

Having a plan prepared to deal with threatening situations can [...]

By |2022-09-20T05:21:42+00:00November 17, 2021|Security Guard Training|0 Comments

9 Effective Ways To Build Trust Within Your Security Guard Team

Why is trust critical to team success? Today, whether you [...]

By |2021-10-23T09:49:53+00:00October 23, 2021|Security Guard Training|0 Comments
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